What is Core App Dashboard APK?
4 mins read

What is Core App Dashboard APK?


Step by step instructions to Construct Your Application – Our Center Elements

Welcome back! In the last illustration, you found out about what BuildFire is, a smidgen about the core app dashboard, the distinction between Center Highlights and Commercial center Elements, and how to see your application.

In this illustration, we’ll investigate the center parts of the Application Dashboard that you’ll use to both form and deal with your application. At the point when you previously made a record, you either began with a clear application, layout, or you had our great Master Administrations group plan and build your application for you.

As we referenced in our last illustration, assuming you’re constructing the application yourself, the formats will give you a wonderful beginning stage so you can basically trade out your substance and have a prepared to-send off application. In the event that you’d like our Genius Administrations group to either plan your application or construct totally custom elements for it, we urge you to click here to reach out to them.

What Are The Application Dashboard’s Primary Center Parts

Then, we should go over the Application Dashboard’s center parts so you can all the more likely comprehend how to involve them to help your application. Assuming you might want to get familiar with these parts, we have devoted articles for every one of them which you can see as here.


The Plan Tab is where you have command over the plan of your application. In it, you’ll see the accompanying parts:


This is where you set up the general marking for your application. In this page you can:

  • Transfer your application’s symbol and stacking screens
  •  Change your application’s text style
  •  Change your application’s variety topic

 The Side Menu

This can be found under the Application Parts area on the Control Board. This is where you assume command of your application’s side menu. In this page you can:

Show/conceal the side menu

Change the presentation settings of your side menu

Add highlights to the side menu

The Navbar:

This is where you can set up a base route bar for your application either related to or rather than the side menu. On this page you can:

Show/conceal the footer menu

Change the showcase settings of your footer menu

Add highlights and activities to the footer menu

Client Login:

This is where you can make changes to your application’s sign in screen. In this page you can:

Transfer your logo:

Change the showcase settings of your login screen

Change the phrasing terms in the login screen

The Media Library

Excellent pictures are a basic piece of making your application stick out and can assist with hoisting your image’s insight. The Media Library is an astounding instrument that can assist you with achieving this.


You can get to the Media Library in the left side menu of the Application Dashboard by tapping on “plan” and afterward “Media Library” or by setting off it all through the Application Dashboard by tapping on a part that requires a picture, for example, picture merry go rounds, list pictures, and foundation pictures.

With the Media Library, you can:

Transfer pictures and use them anyplace in your application.

Browse a determination of thousands of excellent stock photographs from proficient photographic artists all over the planet, all prepared to utilize and pre-authorized for both individual and business use.

Alter your pictures inside the Media Library where you can add text and variety upgrades, crop your pictures, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

The Home Screen:

The Home Screen Element is precisely exact thing you’d envision — it’s the component that clients will see when they first open your application.

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